Marley's Medicinals

Our Corgi, Elway, who is going on 14 years old, got trampled by a horse when he was a pup. As he got older, his injury came back to haunt him and also with those short little legs, he was in a lot of pain and was really slowing down. After a walk, he wouldn't want to move for a day or two. After our other dog died, Elway was depressed and just wanted to lay around. We know that keeping him active is keeping him young, so we were really excited that CBD has helped him so much. We started giving him Marley’s CBD oil every night on a dog biscuit and the difference was amazing. He is actually perky! He is active and cheerful and at breakfast time and dinner, he actually hops up and down with excitement, it is very cute. We have also given him the Marley’s CBD dog treats, which he loves. The CBD oil has been a regular staple in his diet and has added years to his life! Thank you to Marley’s Medicinals, you have all been amazing!